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Giving the people of Bristol a voice about the driving restrictions of Liveable Neighbourhoods

Keep Bristol Moving is a campaign group providing a platform for voicing the concerns of those negatively affected by the “Liveable Neighbourhood” schemes being planned and implemented in the city.
In the name of making streets safer for those using ‘active travel’, these schemes fail to take into account many day-to-day needs of local residents, in particular of those already struggling, accentuating inequalities. 

For more information about our group, click here

campaign group providing a voice to those negatively affected by the Liveable Neighbourhoods

Our Vision for Bristol

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Support Our Cause

Access to jobs, schools and cultural centres, business revenue and support provided to vulnerable groups and other people in need may be negatively affected.

Please, join us on our mission to give people a voice and fight for the right to use the best mode of transport for the individual’s circumstances, including driving.

Keep Bristol Moving

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